By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 1:10:00 A.M. EST
I watched the first hour.
Bloomberg is Trump without the personality, humor, or quick-thinking ability.
Buttigieg, I have to believe, would become the first person to have a sex change as President--thereby becoming both the first gay and woman President in history.
Warren being elected, would force me to turn the sound off my TV until she left office. Her voice is THAT irritating.
Bernie Sanders is a madman.
Joe Biden cannot be comprehended. I doubt if Joe even knows what he's talking about from minute to minute.
If Klobuchar was a drug, she'd be Sominex.
Tom Steyer isn't important enough to comment on.
Actually, the debate wasn't worth commenting on. These are some horrible candidates.
Where are all the smart politicians hiding?
Smart politicians? An oxymoron? Politicians are calculating. But not smart? Could be so.