Wednesday, January 29, 2020

School Officials are Demanding Increased Submissiveness on Campus at an East Los Angeles High School after a Video Surfaced of a Teacher Calling Kobe Bryant a “horrible person” and a Rapist

By R.C.
Wed, Jan 29, 2020 9:04 a.m.

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA) – School officials are urging increased sensitivity on campus at an East Los Angeles high school after a video surfaced of a teacher calling Kobe Bryant a "horrible person" and a rapist just one day after the Laker legend's death.

1 comment:

  1. Trump calls the voters who got him into office "a movement".But the REAL movement is the one that just about everyone seems to have jumped on:the bandwagon for censoring black crime.
    Not just removing individual acts from public discussion or talking about black crime in totality (which is especially for Boden),but the consistant,almost reflexive response by liberals of attacking and firing people who dare bring an individual's(like Bryant) past criminal or immoral behavior up,is predictable--and for a very good reason.
    The plan is clear.Like the old adage,"If a tree falls in a forest...",if a nig commits a crime and no one knows about it--was there a crime?Not in the eyes of NNN,CBS and many other outlets of both TV and print.
    The media,liberal schools and courts believe that by criticizing those who bring black crime up--and calling that person "racist"--they will become an example for other whites,who will see the consequences of voicing their honest opinion--and STFU.Holt pulls that crap as often as possible on NNN.
    Local news may have surpassed national news in protecting blacks and doubling down on supposed white misbehavior (which includes any crime they can dig up,but especially a white, "acting racist",type incident which can then be blown up out of proportion night after night.)
    This is all a crock,but it's pervasive.Obviously,this tactic is the only way these different pro-black groups feel,in their minds,they might be able to try to fool some whites into thinking blacks are "just like whites"--or BETTER!!!
    And that method is,eliminating black crime as a public news story by 1)eliminating the word black in describing the perp--and showing no mugshot--or simply not reporting black crime at all (as on the networks).
    Thst's why this blogsite is so important--a place for whites to read the truth,so we can stay aware and focused on what we--as whites--need to do to protect ourselves.
    I hope as many white women as possible find their way here and soak in the knowledge.It could save their lives.
