Monday, January 27, 2020

Racist Black Perp Sought to Kidnap, Rape, and Murder White Mail Lady, but Had to Settle for Just Murdering Her

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jan 26, 2020 8:35 p.m.

“Postal Worker Dies a Week after Being Shot While Delivering Mail in Mississippi.”

ATR: Negro perp.

N.S.: Here’s what I think happened. The perp had already seen another (surely white) woman in a store, stalked her, and followed her in his car on the road, in spite of the fact that she was in the company of her father, before giving up.

What does that sound like to you?

He saw her, said to himself, “I gotta have that white woman,” and sought to “have” her.

“Have” means, kidnap, rape, and murder, by whatever was handy, including his bare hands. Sometimes, as in the Central Park Jogger case, the victim barely escapes with her life, though she may be disabled for life.

I suspect that when the killer tried to kidnap white vic Sherry Ingold, but she refused to go with him, realizing what that would have entailed, so he shot her in the head. Mrs. Ingold was going to die, either way, but she saved herself from rape and horrific torture.

There have been thousands of such cases over the years. The Beverly Melton case comes to mind, as well as white female joggers, e.g., Karina Vetrano, the Knoxville Horror, etc.

McPaper Comments

Tom Panmayil
Another Democrat gone berserk.

Jerome Croon
Ruby, blistering RED state. Really kinda doubt it.


  1. How many census workers are going to be attacked,raped and murdered in the next few months?These workers have to go to houses of individuals who won't answer census forms sent to them.Why wouldn't they?To escape detection for criminal reasons.Most will be black and Mexican.
    This is not 2000 or 2010.Would YOU walk down a ghetto street for $25 an hour?Do you feel lucky--well DO YOU?

  2. I would assume this is a federal offense? The woman was attacked while performing her duties? The feds need to arrest the perp and apply the death penalty.

  3. She was ACTUALLY delivering mail at the time of the attack. That does become a federal offense.
