Thursday, January 23, 2020

One of This Week's Mass Shootings: Raceless, Faceless, Nameless Perp Shoots Seven Vics in Downtown Seattle; Cops Hope Perp Will Arrest Himself

By R.C.
Wed, Jan 22, 2020 10:13 p.m.

"1 dead, 7 injured in mass shooting on sidewalk in downtown Seattle; police seeking suspect."

1 comment:

  1. Seven injured, only one dead--sounds like blacks with their sloppy shooting. Plus there are witnesses, but the black woman police chief won't give a description of the perps. If the perp(s) were white you can bet that would be all over the news. You can bet that the leftist Washington State government (which has control of both houses of the legislature thanks to mass immigration) will try to use this to pass more gun control. Governor Insley and his henchmen have a mission to make this state as f*cked up as California. What Washington needs is minority gang control--not gun control.
