Saturday, January 25, 2020

Interview by Tucker Carlson with Christopher Caldwell, Author of the Book the Dissident Right is Presently Swooning over

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
A tip ‘o the hate to Steve Sailer.

Why Politicians Don’t Do What Most Voters Want Analyzed by Tucker Carlson and Christopher Caldwell

At the end of the first minute, Caldwell said it’s the result of “a good thing, our civil rights laws.”

I shut it off.

I realize that this is the book that the Dissident Right is presently swooning over. So sue me.

Steve Sailer reader @Charles Erwin Wilson 3 commented,

“I appreciate diagnosis. But I am eager to see the prescription. I appreciate, therefore, the Taki article. Usually, big brains like Caldwell (and Charles Murray) are long on diagnosis and short on prescription.”

I responded, The prescription is unprintable, because it entails breaking the law:

“Possibilities for How ‘the American Experiment’ Will End”

“‘Was This Trip Necessary?’ The Sermon in Bastogne, During the Battle of the Bulge, in William ‘Wild Bill’ Wellman’s 1949 Masterpiece, Battleground

I get the impression that I’ve been writing a book on the same topic as Caldwell since 1989, when I produced the first issue of my magazine, A Different Drummer. However, over the years, as I learned how I’d been conned both by Reds like Stephen Jay Gould and “conservatives” like the crews at Commentary, etc., I reformulated both my diagnosis and my prescription.

1 comment:

  1. As always,"Face the(Commie)Nation",had its fair share of "What Did Trump Do Wrong This Week?"
    (Audio of Trump telling "someone" that the Ukraine ambassador "had to go",because she was Clinton holdover.)
    Margaret Brennan asked her "diverse" panel of a Jap,Indian,white female from NPR and a liberal white guy about impeachment.
    Surprisingly,they all said Trump is a lawbreaker,Pompeo is a bully against the media(NPR in particular)and Trump wants laws passed to legalize bribery of foreign governments.
    I thought the government had that already--it's called foreign aid.
    Brennan,in a rather reflective moment of recognition,asked the panel,"If no more witnesses are allowed to be called--and it appears 4 Republicans are unlikely to join Democrats to pass such a measure--what do we take out of this impeachment?"
    You could hear the fat lady singing as background noise,while Brennan sighed.Poor Margaret and CBS.Poor Lesta,Chuck Todd,Andrea Mitchell and NBC.
    No more hours of propaganda in the afternoon.Back to your half hour slot at 630pm and(Sunday mornings)to bitch and moan about Trump and white people.
    Good riddance.
