Thursday, January 30, 2020

Asian Indians Now Run Three of the World's Top Tech Firms with Google, Microsoft and Now IBM; India's Culture is Entirely Discriminatory, Based on Caste

By R.C.
Thu, Jan 30, 2020 8:17 p.m.

Asian Indians now run 3 of the top tech firms in the world with Google, Microsoft and now IBM. India's culture is entirely discriminatory based on class [caste]. This is the worst thing for the US.

"Rometty Replaced as IBM CEO, Shares Spike" | Zero Hedge

You know it's bad when... The share price of the company you were CEO of soars after you're replaced... IBM named Arvind Krishna as chief executive officer, replacing longtime CEO Virginia Rometty. Krishna is currently the head of IBM's cloud and cognitive software unit and was a principal architect of the company's purchase of Red Hat, IBM said in a statement Thursday.

R.C.: 'Tis true.

And how much outsourcing do Google, Microsoft and IBM do these parasite organizations actually do?

1 comment:

  1. Mostly too probably of the Brahmin class. Everyone else is inferior to the Brahmin.

    According to the Hindu the world only exists because of the gods and the gods only exist because the Brahmin make the daily prayers.

    You can only imagine the heady mentality of a person who believes the world only exists because of me and my daily actions.
