Thursday, January 16, 2020

David Cole -- Who is Jewish -- on the Jewish Vendetta against Western Civilization

By An Old Friend
Thu, Jan 16, 2020 1:55 a.m.

David Cole -- Who is Jewish -- on the Jewish Vendetta against Western Civilization

Although he states the motive, I still don't really get it -- perhaps because I'm only half Jewish.

N.S.: You don't get it, AOF, because Cole doesn't get it. The Jews he speaks of putting out both arms, are not at all concerned with the welfare of the Jewish "community." They are genocidal, racial socialists (formerly known as communists), who think of Jews as white, and want all white countries to be annihilated, except for a tiny minority of their ilk, whom they fantasize would guide the coloreds. Except that the coloreds would slaughter them, after raping and torturing them.
What about the uptick in black-on-Jew attacks? Why should we believe there's been an uptick? Racist, anti-Semitic blacks have been attacking Jews since forever. The difference now is that the Orthodox are organized, and demand to be heard.
When Lemrick Nelson Jr., and company slaughtered Yankel Rosenbaum in the Crown Heights pogrom in 1991, Jewish communists had no complaint.
Well-to-do and left-wing Jews have never given a damn about Jewish victims of black violence. When Bernie Goetz defended himself against black subway muggers in 1984, Morgenthau defamed Goetz and led a criminal conspiracy to suborn perjury and committed malicious prosecution against Goetz, destroying his life. Morgenthau's office treated me in similar fashion, though the ante was much lower.
I once saw a movie about this guy, Bullitt. Except that it was set in San Francisco, and starred Steve McQueen, the King of Cruel. Alas, the real guys almost never look like movie stars.

I don't have space to link to all the op-eds by Jews defending the nonwhites who are knocking them off. Column after column making excuses for the attackers and slamming Trump and others on the right for "demonizing" Jew-haters of color. Jewish journalists and activists have even opposed the simple solution of increased police patrols in besieged Jewish neighborhoods, lest the presence of cops "marginalize" the piceous pogromists. There have been hundreds of op-eds and social media posts by Jewish leftists defending the thuggish criminals and arguing against any measures that might provide relief for the beleaguered Jews. In my "golem" piece, I referred to that kind of behavior as suicidal. But I didn't go far enough: It's actually murder-suicide…taking themselves out in the name of taking out the West.

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