Friday, January 31, 2020

China Orders Extermination of Pets

By “W”

… to fight the transmission of the virus from animals to humans.


  1. More communist BS. There is no reason a pet is more likely to catch the virus and transmit it than a family member. Save your pet--kill a communist. Dogs are wonderful loving creatures while the only good communist is a dead communist. They badly need a bloody revolution over there--they should keep killing commies until there are no more. And feed the bodies to pets. Furthermore the temporary ban on travelers from China should be permanent. We don't need any more Chinese spies over here.

  2. This will really get a lot of folks super worked up into a frenzy. People? Who cares about them. But pets? OH we care a lot for them.

  3. According to the Sun, it is a false rumor that pets can carry Coronavirus--there has been no evidence of it. But that didn't stop Chinese from taking the pets that love them and throwing them off high-rise buildings to splatter on the pavement below. Meanwhile Chinese spread disease by spitting everywhere (even in expensive French restaurants), blowing their noses on the sidewalk, and taking craps in train aisles, airport floors, and store fitting rooms. A high percentage of Chinese have hepatitis and other diseases. Chinese, not the pets are the real disease vectors. These are the same creatures whose ignorant superstitions threaten extinction of many animals such a rhinos. And Chinese transplant organs from live prisoners for sale to medical tourists and Communist Party bigshots. They torture and murder those who don't follow their party line. And they steal American technology and secrets to enrich themselves and further their goal of dominating the world with their repressive ideology. Damn right I prefer the dogs to these horrible creatures.
