Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Scientists: Girls are Dumber than Boys, so You Need to Dumb Down College Science Classes for Them

By R.C.
Mon, Dec 30, 2019 10:40 p.m.

According to a report by Campus Reform, a research paper published in December argues that universities should make STEM courses easier for women because female students, on the whole, perform worse than male students.

"Researchers: Universities Should Make STEM Classes Easier for Women" | Breitbart

According to a report by Campus Reform, a research paper published in December argues that universities should make STEM courses easier for women because female students, on the whole, perform worse than male students.. The paper, which is entitled "Equilibrium Grade Inflation With Implications for Female Interest in STEM Majors, was written by Naval Postgraduate School professor Thomas Ahn ...


R.C.: Sure, why not?

They've already gutted university admissions standards for Negroes, so why not for wymyn?


  1. Separate courses especially designed for "minorities" [wimmens for the purposes of such programs considered to be a "minority"] already in place at Stanford. Elite schools even the best fall for the equality stuff.

  2. "Women are dumber than men"--is "hate speech".
    "Men are dumber than women"---that's GREAT speech (according to libs).
