Friday, December 27, 2019

I Wonder What Communist NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Gave Tessa Majors' Murderers for Christmas--He's Giving Freed Inmates MetroCards and Gift Cards

By A Friend
Fri, Dec 27, 2019 10:57 p.m.


  1. You know,the push to legalize pot (and soon,other drugs)is for one purpose:Decriminalize black behavior.
    Tessa Majors' murderers are already being given the sympathy treatment,described as "babyfaced" in one article.
    What else will de Blasio hand out to black thugs?
    1)Keys to various department stores front doors.
    "We want our newly freed victims of white privilege to help themselves to new furniture,TVs and kitchen appliances.It's a one time only use of the key,but should be a very enjoyable experience,"said de Blasio--"and well deserved."
    2)a)No traffic stops if you're black.No more serving of outstanding warrants at your home or apartment.
    b)You must be caught IN the commission of a crime ON VIDEO to be arrested."
    3) Convicted NYC black/Mexican residents will be paid minimum wage for jail time--$10 an hour to start.Maximum pay out per year is $50,000.
    4)Police attempting to arrest black suspects will--from now on--be UNARMED!
    5)Jurors will wear headphones in court,during trials of serious crimes committed by minorities--in order to make it more difficult to hear evidence against the accused.
    "An equitable way for NYC to evolve into a raceless society",de Blasio concluded.
    Slight exaggeration?Maybe not with Commie Bill.


  2. Speaking of giving...
    If you ever watch the cable channels--over the number 200--(ie:AntennaTV,Grit etc)you'll have to put up with tons of charity requests from Marlo Thomas,Eric McCormick ("Will and Grace")and many others.There are two I find particularly farfetched:
    "The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews asks for a $45 donation to provide an elderly Jewish person with an emergency survival package."
    Really?An ad to "Save an old Jew"?Why not an old Irishman,Polack,Kraut or Viet Cong?Or better yet,let their own countries take care of them.
    Then yesterday I saw an ad for polar bears in the arctic,"who are losing their habitat due to ice melt caused by global warming."The admaker shows some bears standing on thin ice for effect.
    That one is $25 a month(I don't think this donation will create ice).
    If anyone gave to either charity--I'd be surprised,but then again--as with the Perfect Pillow commercials--if you show an ad enough times,you will get cash from the public into your company.
    But not from me.
