Wednesday, December 25, 2019

20 Years of VDARE, and the War on Christmas

By Nicholas Stix

”Merry Christmas 2019! You’re All Welcome to the Tenth Annual Free, WEJB/NSU Christmas Concert!”

Earlier this month, I had the honor of attending the annual,
VDARE Christmas party, something that I’ve been doing now for five years, which I believe is as long as it’s been being thrown. For me and many other folks, it’s the social event of the year. Old and new faces were in attendance.

Peter and Lydia really know how to put on a bash.

On of the special reasons for celebrating this year was VDARE’s 20th anniversary. As an old magazine publisher (A Different Drummer, 1989-1993), I know just how hard it is to do what Peter has done.

Full disclosure: I am not a VDARE original contributor. I started reading the nation’s greatest political Webzine in early or spring 2000, and have been a contributor since May 26, 2004, a day shy of a mere 15 years and seven months, which is much longer than I’ve lasted anywhere else, and I’ve had some good runs.

Numerous paper outlets where I’ve worked have long since gone under—New York Newsday, The Religious Observer/DEOLOG, The Westsider, Chelsea Clinton News, Flatiron News, Insight on the News, Middle American News, The Social Contract—and to properly judge the durability of a Webzine, you have to count in dog years, though that may be reversing. (On the one hand, you have the cost of paper and postage or delivery men, while on the other, you have the much more recent problem of Web mediacide.)

A VDARE staple is The War on Christmas (and War on Christmas denial).

VDARE has been covering this peculiar institution for its entire existence. This year, as in the past James Fulford, who was hired as an editor after winning the first War on Christmas Competition, has posted a bibliography of scores of contributions on the topic.

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