Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Texas Justice! Homeowner Shot Robber to Death with Latter's Own Gun!

By A Texas Reader
Tue, Nov 19, 2019 10:58 p.m.

HPD: Robber shot to death with own gun by homeowner in Westbury The homeowner was able to disarm the suspect and shoot him with his own gun.


  1. Brilliant--yet there's an underlying sentiment by minority groups,that somehow the homeowner (white?)should have allowed the thug to rob,rape and kill whoever was in the house.If the thug has "acquaintances",retribution may occur.
    "You killed our brotha,cuzzin,fellow biznessman,Rigormortious."
    The homeowner will probably have to move.
    FOLLOW UPS please.

  2. NOT that it matters, but the robber, NOR the home owner are white... SMH

  3. The chickens come home to roost and I for one am glad.
