Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Robert Merry: On the West's Demonization of Russia, with Respect to the Ukraine

By An Old Friend
Tue, Nov 19, 2019 4:56 p.m.

Robert Merry: On the West's Demonization of Russia, with Respect to the Ukraine

What Merry writes in the article below was anticipated by George F. Kennan:


  1. The US/Russia yapping is all very 1961-ish.If everyone just learned to build up their own economies without trying to conquer their neighbors,our little planet may have a chance to survive.
    The constant military oneupmanship provides very little satisfaction to any country.Agreements by Russia and the U.S. (hopefully China as well)to cut military budgets and redirect those monies to domestic concerns would be more logical--like border control and incentivizing more white childbirth through monthly stipends.
    Meanwhile,we're being overrun by Muslims and Mex,while Europe is experiencing the same with African and Muslim runaways.
    A few suggestions.

  2. "But cannot Europe handle any such threat vis-a-vis Russia, "

    Europe can handle things, but only after widespread conscription, spending a lot of money and going nuclear in a big way. And they are not willing to do any of those things.

    GRA:First,we have NBC News,which set a record for uttering the word bombshell in a story(4 times in 30 seconds).
    (NBCNEWS)WASHINGTON — Gordon Sondland, the American ambassador to the E.U., pointed the finger at President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former national security adviser John Bolton in explosive public testimony on Wednesday in which he said explicitly that there was a "quid quo pro" linking a White House visit by Ukraine's president to investigations into a political opponent of the president.
    GRA:Do we believe them or...
    ***Breitbart Live Wire***

    Amb. Testifies No Preconditions for Ukraine Aid

    Democrats Turn on Sondland as ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Falls Apart
    GRA:Of course it's probably in the middle of those two disparate opinions.Sondland is a Trump donor who received a reward of an ambassadorship,but mysteriously has changed his story.A Dem would think h7s testimony seals the deal.A Repub would say,"this is nothing."
    I'm of the opinion,anything in this matter is not enough to remove Trump from office.Trump heard the Ukraine was backing Clinton in 2016 and wanted to get to the bottom of it.Biden's kid and probably Biden were mixed into the mess.
    An even MORE waste of time tonight:The Dem debate.I'll skip that too.

