Thursday, November 21, 2019

France Denounces Israel over American Proclamation

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Sun <>
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 21, 2019 9:56 a.m.

France Denounces Israel over U.S. Proclamation

The New York Sun

France Denounces Israel Over U.S. Proclamation

So Does Germany, Our Man at the U.N. Reports
By , Special to the Sun | November 21, 2019

UNITED NATIONS -- Has the world order as we know it ended because Secretary of State Pompeo tweaked America's attitudes toward Israeli settlements? France's ambassador to the United Nations seems to think so.

"International law," the Quay d'Orsay's man here, Nicolas de-Rivière, told the Security Council Wednesday, "is binding on all. It is not up to a nation to decide what is legal and what is not." He went on to denounce Israel's "colonization" project.

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N.S.: "International law" is a rhetorical fiction. Besides, if de Rivière is serious, let him demand that Poland return East Prussia and Upper Silesia to Germany, and that the Czech Republic return Bohemia to the Gerries. Israel won those territories defending itself in war.


  1. Or as an "Onion" story might go...
    France denounced its own French citizens today with President Emmanuel Macron stating that "anti-immigration sentiment will not be tolerated in our country."He showed his resolve,following a meeting with the French Senate and National Assembly,by declaring that all native born Frenchmen would have their citizenships immediately revoked,be rounded up--and subsequently deported.
    "We will have a nation of tolerance--even if it takes getting rid of every single one of own countrymen to do so."
    The action followed Italy's decision to forbid the making of spaghetti,lasagna and other Italian dishes because of a large influx of non-Italians in recent years.
    "You wanna meatballs?You wanna spaghet?Don'ta come here," said Luigi Pestola,a 45 year old chef,"now we eat Falafel and love it(burp)."

  2. If the French say it is so it must be so. France wants to play the great power but has not the power to do so. But still does want to play.
