Thursday, November 28, 2019

D.C.: Magical Negro Has been Offered Admission with a Free Ride by 25 Overpriced, Private Universities, Including Ivy League Schools

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Thu, Nov 28, 2019 10:06 a.m.

RuQuan Brown, a D.C. high school student, has gained admission into 25 college universities including Ivy League schools and full ride scholarships. "Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Georgetown, Princeton, just to name a few," Brown laughed. "It just kind of sky

href="">"DC Student Receives 25 College Offers, Owns a Company Dedicated to Stopping Gun Violence" | WJLA

RuQuan Brown, a D. C. high school student, has gained admission into 25 college universities including Ivy League schools and full ride scholarships. "Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Georgetown ...

PGCE-P: This country is a joke.


  1. ...and like "late night TV",not funny.
    If he's against violence,why does everyone around him get "gunned down"?
    With results like that,his Love1 business should be in the dumper by next week--unless Oprah gets involved.
    (The press DOES love its magic negroes).

    GRA:Check the last sentence of #1--that's MY long time theory lol.
    (ZH)by Thaisleeze at the Burning Platform
    1. The most obvious way to stop Trump would be at the the ballot box. However, given the factors outlined above this is a long shot bet. None of the declared Democrat candidates can beat him. Hillary Clinton would fail again. A Republican cannot unseat him. Obama has been keeping a very low profile, it is possible that his wife Michelle could win, if she could be persuaded to run. Oprah?

    2. What would turn the world of Trump upside down would be a financial crisis of a similar magnitude to 2008, or a major dollar collapse (Putin said last week the dollar would collapse soon). If there were a consensus among the deep state to take such action it would be incredibly easy for them to achieve given the highly unstable fabric of markets today.

    The corporate credit markets could be pushed into panic by Jamie Dimon alone if he wished such an outcome and had the blessing of his buddies. Indeed, the cynic might argue that the groundwork has been laid since the start of the repo problem in mid September and the launching of QE4. Last time around the patsie was Lehman, has Deutsche Bank been singled out to take the fall this time? Time is running short for this to be an option, a crisis must be in play by spring next year to stymie the Orange Man.
    GRA:I'm also wary of some algorithmic catastophe that globalists could unleash to tank the markets and cause fear and loathing in the U.S.(fear we're headed for economic ruin and loathing of Trump for being the President at the time it occurred.With computers programmed to sell at all costs,the sentiment favoring Trump would vanish.I believe it could be orchestrated as some kind of crash by various anti-Trump forces).
    3. The third way Trump could be stopped does not bear thinking about but it happened before to JFK 56 years ago.

    Epstein did not kill himself.
    GRA:I'll add a fourth--health.Maybe he had a cold,or it was my imagination,but when President Trump spoke in Afghnistan on Thursday,I noticed some of his words sounded slurred--not as clear as usual.The long trip probably a factor,but health at Trump's age IS definitely something to watch.He's had a lot of pressure from day one.Speaking of pressure,MY blood pressure would be 250/150 if I were Trump the last 2 3/4 years.
