Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Woman Playing Pokémon Go Fatally Shot after Witnessing Robbery

By "W"
Wed, Oct 23, 2019 5:13 p.m.

"Woman Playing Pokémon Go Fatally Shot After Witnessing Robbery" |

1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    Saw this story before and noticed there was no description of the suspects. That's despite there was a victim who was robbed and her boyfriend who witnessed everything, though they did describe the car they were driving. I scanned through the various news reports, most of which seemed to be local reporting, not much national coverage. You'd think local reporting would be concerned with identifying and catching the perps because they are clearly very dangerous. Of course those of us in the know realize that means they are telling us the suspects are probably not white. Likely black, possibly hispanic.
