Monday, October 28, 2019

Why is the Wall Street Journal Trying to Get Its White Readers Robbed, Raped, Maimed and Murdered?

By "W"
Sun, Oct 27, 2019 3:42 p.m.

"A Gleefully Gluttonous Long Weekend in New Orleans" - WSJ

"W": I've been commenting about how the WSJ urges its weekend readers to visit dangerous places, including Haiti (for the music), Detroit, Baltimore, Philly. Most recently, New Orleans. Three days there should give the natives plenty of time to relieve you of your cash, cards, smart phone… and your life.


  1. Wall to police needed. In that one big city considered to be the most police corrupt.

  2. Same thing like Forbes telling single American women it is OK to travel solo in Pakistan. Why would any single American woman even want to travel to Pakistan? Even the people that live there want to get away from the place.
