Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ugly Chinese in Canada Refuse to Speak English: You're “rude as f**k”

By R.C.
Wed, Oct 30, 2019 7:53 p.m.

In the video, captured by Allen Tseng and shared on Facebook Monday, the unidentified woman tells the female staff member at the cash register that she is "rude as f**k" for not speaking English.

R.C.: British Columbia: Overrun by money laundering Chinese.


  1. The first thing the wealthy Chinese did when they bought the exclusive mansion in Vancouver was to cut down all the trees. Trees are occupied by ghosts.

  2. A Chinese woman in the Seattle area showed me the menu for a new restaurant her husband was investing in. When I cautioned her that most new restaurants fail, she replied that it didn't matter if the restaurant made money or not--it was just a way to launder money from China. Apparently Chinese are anxious to get their millions out of China before they get caught. Also, they want their families to grow up in a place with clean air, non-toxic food, and "free" education--while they continue to make money in China. Also, some have more than one wife. Vancouver is a convenient place to stash one of the wives. On the other hand, I know a family who moved their restaurant from Vancouver to a Seattle suburb because the had enough of the drugs and crime in Vancouver, Canada.
