Sunday, October 27, 2019

No Irish Need Apply: Modelo Beer Commercial

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Oct 26, 2019 10:14 p.m.

No Irish Need Apply: Modelo Beer Commercial

Yep, an effin' Mexican beer commercial.

Music by Enrico Morricone.

ATR: Why have multinationals become Social Justice Warriors?

By the way,  I don't remember my Irish Catholic grandmother ever mentioning stories about "Irish Need Not Apply."


  1. That No Irish Need Apply has been studied extensively. If it did occur it was not as widespread as believed or maybe did not occur at all.

  2. That is part of the immigrant experience so they say. My-people-came-here-and-were-badly-mistreated-but-we-overcame-all-obstacles. We Italian/Jew/Irish/. Etc.

  3. His faulty slogan:
    "Because it doesn't matter where we come from. It matters what we're made of."
    He almost has it right.Closer to the truth is:"Where we come from,dictates,in large part,to what we're made of."
    Not all people--in all parts of the world act the same.Cultural influences--for hundreds of years--and inborn tendencies by race,along with religion cannot be whimsically dismissed.Muslims are Muslims--Mex are Mex,blacks are blacks.There differences in ethnicities in whites (between Dutch,Poles,Germans,Italians,French and Jews)as well--but not as much as what separates whites from the rest of the world.
    These commercials,and the philosophy behind them--that all migrants are equal--is pie in the sky idiocy--or a phony attempt at liberalism for the all mighty buck.

  4. It's a propaganda piece, just like all Modelo "commercials" are. The Irish were treated like God-awful shit when they floated into New York. They weren't given "automatic" low or no interest loans, top quality housing discounted upwards of 80%, SNAP, free medical/ dental, etc. Yes. We all have OUR OWN IMMIGRANT STORY. But 95% of them aren't as "rosy" as the one's happening in the last 10 years !!!!!!
