Thursday, October 24, 2019

Late Racist, Corrupt Pol Lauded by Former Accomplices

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Thu, Oct 24, 2019 4:34 p.m.

Late Rep. Cummings hailed as "North Star" for Democrats

PGCE-P: Yawn.

He was just another elected official.

The paeans and encomiums are nauseating.

What about his felonious widow?

PGCE-P: Oh, wait.

They are both Negroes and therefore beyond reproach.


  1. "A giant"
    --CBS radio
    "A great legend"
    "Someone who both black and white politicians admired."
    --every lying MSM media outlet
    As with the fact changing for the "Central Park 5",John Mc Cain and George H.W.Bush,the media--in a collaborative effort--have managed to turn Cummings into a historical figure--against the facts.But the guys at Orkin--in Baltimore--only knew him as "that bald,black guy with the rats in his house."


  2. I was just watching the latest local racial blow-up on TV (and website)with one black guy,who claims that he was "written up" more than white employees,at a Detroit Founders Brewery--and fired.He's suing and the local Grand Rapids media,in an interview with the company co-founder,just aired some gotcha questions ie,"Do you have racist policies at Founders?Do you allow discriminatory behavior at Founders?"
    If the guy says no,his response is presented as a lie by the station(he better not say yes lol),so why ask such a stupid question?
    How about these posers:Are negroes at Founders,as good a group of employees as whites?
    Are blacks being lynched at Founders on a daily basis?lol--what's he going to say?The question itself is condemnatory,designed to make the interviewee look guilty.
    Anyways,I had a thought watching this,N.S.What would it take for Congress to revoke the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Act?This would be a simple solution to everything that's gone wrong with America the last few decades.As with Prohibition,those two mid 1960s pieces of legislation COULD be replaced or repealed--true?.Republicans,looking to eliminate a large part of the Dem voting block,should have done it years ago.Could Congress take voting rights AWAY,as easily as they were given?
    Maybe in a crisis (Civil War etc)imho.Such a repeal would return us back to MAGA.I'm wondering why this COULDN'T be done in a Republican controlled Congress with a GOP President.Thanks.

  3. The cause of death was complications from a long lasting condition of some sort. AIDS?
