Sunday, October 20, 2019

It’s Time for Sweden to Admit Moslems are a National Emergency

By R.C.
Sat, Oct 19, 2019 11:14 p.m.

It's Time for Sweden to Admit Explosions are a National Emergency

R.C.: "Houston, we have a problem."

You know what the real problem is?

Sweden is no longer full of Swedes.


  1. Right,it's too late--the Muslims wont allow the Swedes to complain.It's THEIR country now,Allah.


  2. Sweden the minority population growing exponentially while the Swedish population and going out of existence. And for some time now.

  3. They behave as they do and destroy when they are one-quarter of the population. What will it be like in the future when they are at a minimum of one-half?
