Saturday, October 26, 2019

Genocidal Google World Series Commercial: “We’re by nature explorers”

By Nicholas Stix

The ad is set at night, and shows one quick shot after another of blacks, Hispanics, and the occasional white female, chaperoned by a black boyfriend or husband. The speaker has a foreign accent.

There must have been at least 15 faces shown, but only one was of a white man. He was in his seventies, and had a wrinkle-filled face. Messages: 1. Everyone but white men is a natural explorer; 2. White men, and thus the white race, are virtually non-existent; and 3. Soon, the white race will disappear from the Earth.

The only time one hears of white explorers anymore is when they are not identified as explorers, but as “racists” and carriers of the plague of “white supremacy.”

Who is “we”? Man is not by nature an explorer. However, explorers have historically been almost exclusively white men. Non-white explorers have been so rare that fake historians like black supremacist Lerone Bennett Jr. have had to invent them out of whole cloth.

The Google TV spot is obscene.


  1. As blacks do,when invading white neighborhoods,they have also made "the leap" in commercials,by becoming sole actors in a considerable amount of them--I'm sure thanks to liberal white ad producers.
    My reference to neighborhoods,is something I've seen firsthand in my area,where years ago,blacks would pop up--one at a time--maybe one per block,but then fill that area in before "leaping",or "leapfrogging",five blocks down,only to start filling that area in--but more quickly.
    In commercials,I used to notice mostly whites as the actors (95-98%% of the time)15 years ago,then maybe 7 years ago,an occasional black would appear with a group of whites--say at a bar--maybe 25% of the ads.Three years
    ago,the ad companies started placing one black in every ad that featured whites--no matter how unlikely that looked.Two years ago,the whites were transformed into idiots on commercials,as blacks--it was decided by someone--
    would be designated by the ad companies,as the "genius race" of the two.Bizarre,anorexic,nerdy whites were paired with athletic black males and dorky whites,with greasy hair,were pitted against intelligent,well groomed black women (AT&T,Comcast).Whites could barely chew gum and walk as blacks were portrayed as problem solvers to the baffled whites(most car insurance ads,food ads).
    The last month has seen an unbelievable leap to "all black castings" for multiple ads in a row--no signs of ANY whites--no token whites,as there used to be token blacks in white dominated commercials 7 years ago.
    Now we see in 2019,I believe it was a "Pizza Hut" ad,showing one single,solitary,lazy white slob,lying on a couch,stuffing pizza in his face,while other scenes show multiple blacks(black fathers and mothers) organizing fast moving parties and get togethers for their pizza activities.Lots of blacks having fun.
    The theme is--whites are stupid,isolated,slovenly,not cool,not fast,but blacks have many friends,many activities that they can juggle with no problems,are in shape and are "with it".
    What bulls**t,bizarro world is that in?I STILL read that black fathers are no shows,mostly in prison and incapable of supporting their many illegitimate "keeds"--how did this fictionalized version of blacks take over our screens?
    The white replacement process is speeding up as we head into 2020.

  2. "fake historians like black supremacist Lerone Bennett Jr. have had to invent them out of whole cloth."

    The attitude is: "so what if it is a lie if it makes the colored kids feel good about themselves. We wuz kangz."
