Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Congressman Elijah Cummings Understood that the Political Landscape Would be Changing; He Also Understood the Significance of Building Coalitions with a Growing Spanish-Speaking Constituency and Other "Immigrant" Populations

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Tue, Oct 22, 2019 10:26 p.m.

Congressman Elijah Cummings understood that the political landscape would be changing, He also understood the significance of building coalitions with a growing Spanish-speaking constituency and other immigrant populations.


Translation: More free s--t for Third Worlders.

By the way, why the Hell do Republicans support Third World immigration?

It's not like the parasites from the Third World, but I repeat myself, vote Republican.

P.S.: "the political landscape would be changing...

... Due to Third World immigration.


  1. To paraphrase Tweety Bird,"I thought I saw Elijah again."
    Sufferin' Succotash--at least I thought I did.
    Cummings passed on Friday evening,yet here he was on TV--Sunday--talking with reporters--live.The bald head,the same skin tone and those same baggy,sunken eyes.How could it be?
    It was Cummings twin,John Lewis talking ABOUT Cummings.I hadn't realized that Lewis had turned into Cummings clone over the last couple years.Well,at least we know who the widow Maya Rockeymoore will be headed to,for consoling.

    Authored by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog,

    Establishment Democrats are becoming extremely nervous, because they are starting to realize that the field of candidates currently running for the Democratic nomination is exceedingly weak.

    The campaign is nearly a year old, there have been nationally televised debates month after month, and at this point only three candidates in the field have any chance of winning. All of the other candidates have completely flopped, and establishment Democrats are deeply concerned about the weaknesses of the three candidates that are still standing. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are considered to be way too liberal to win a general election, and Joe Biden has been slipping in the polls and his fundraising numbers have been absolutely terrible.

    With just a few months left until voting begins, many establishment Democrats are now desperate for a “savior” to come along and bail them out, and that could potentially result in a very familiar name entering the race.

    This cycle, more Democrats have run for president than ever before, and at first it seemed like at least a few of them would generate a significant level of enthusiasm. But now that it is clear that it is a three way race between Biden, Warren and Sanders, key Democratic operatives all over the country are evaluating whether there are other options. The following originally comes from the New York Times…

    When a half-dozen Democratic donors gathered at the Whitby Hotel in Manhattan last week, the dinner began with a discussion of which presidential candidates the contributors liked. But as conversations among influential Democrats often go these days, the meeting quickly evolved into a discussion of who was not in the race - but could be lured in.

    Former Obama adviser David Axelrod put it this way…

    “With Trump looming, there is genuine concern that the horse many have bet on may be pulling up lame and the horse who has sprinted out front may not be able to win,” said David Axelrod, a former adviser to President Barack Obama.

    Of course the horse that is “pulling up lame” is Joe Biden. For most of the race he was leading in the polls, but recently his numbers have been falling and his fundraising has been abysmal. The following comes from Vanity Fair…

    While Vice President Joe Biden may still be the front-runner in the 2020 polls, he’s falling woefully behind when it comes to campaign cash. New campaign finance filings released Tuesday reveal that while the 2020 candidate took in $15.7 million in the third quarter, Biden’s campaign only has $8.9 million on hand going into the fourth quarter. And with the Iowa caucuses rapidly approaching in February, his donors are reportedly starting to get nervous about Uncle Joe making it to the finish line.

    In recent days, two of the biggest names that are being thrown around are Hillary Clinton and Michael Bloomberg.
    GRA:I still will bet that Oprah or Mobama (Michelle Obama)are the two "dark" horses--so to speak--to make a dramatic early 2020 announcement.Dems need a black candidate with some charisma.Booker and Harris don't qualify.Neither does HRC or Bloomberg.
