Wednesday, October 23, 2019

2 Proud Boys Members Sentenced to 4 Years over Upper East Side Manhattan Street Fight with Antifa

By A Longtime Reader
Wed, Oct 23, 2019 8:21 a.m.

"2 Proud Boys members sentenced to 4 years over UES street fight with Antifa"

In no other place would such a sentence be deemed appropriate, for what - in this case - was indeed an actual fight.

The four year penalty was clearly designed to derail - hopefully destroy - their lives.

This is what life under a Marxist municipal administration looks like.

"2 Proud Boys Members Sentenced 4 Years over NYC Melee" 1010 WINS.


  1. Harsh sentence for persons presumably without criminal records.

  2. The max sentence for third degree murder in most locales is five years.
