Saturday, October 26, 2019

From Woke to Broke

By An Old Friend
Fri, Oct 25, 2019 1:13 p.m.

"From Woke to Broke"

AOF: The article below is a fleshing out of Margaret Thatcher's famous statement, "Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They always run out of other people's money."

N.S.: It's too bad that the author, Matthew Continetti, the son-in-law of Bill Kristol, is a never-Trump neo-con. Because of that, he's a chicken in matters of race. Otherwise, he would have been able to take his analysis to the next step: The blacks and Hispanics that make up the Communist, er, Democrat Party base are genocidal racists, who hate whites more than they love their own. If they really loved their own respective groups, they would support police crackdowns on colored criminals. Instead, they support free felonies for colored people, and the ruthless persecution of law-abiding whites.


  1. " A quarter of the school budget is devoted to benefits—money that can't be spent on classrooms, facilities, and instruction."

    Wouldn't even matter if they did have more money. Damned kids in the Chicago school system most of them have no interest in learning.

    Government pensions in Illinois cannot be Constitutionally changed even if they are such a burden some sort of modification must be made.

  2. Meanwhile,tens of thousands (up to 300,000)blackie "students" are doing what--with all this time off?Not that the lib media would report any crimes committed during the strike,lol.Probably a self imposed,"black"out on such news,so to speak.

  3. Follow Ice Age Farmer on YT, and learn what is really going on.
    Winter is coming, and food crops are failing worldwide. Famine is coming in 2020 by October.
    So is more violence you're reporting on.
