Tuesday, October 29, 2019


By "W"
Tue, Oct 29, 2019 1:35 p.m.
BumWine.com - Cisco

[A mutual friend] just sent me this link. Hadn't known about it until now. Apparently it is highly popular in Communities of Color.


  1. I was planning on becoming a bum, but after reading that bum wine tastes like Robitussin (which almost makes me barf) I decided it wasn't such a hot idea.

  2. Some drunks need that drink to satisfy a biological deficiency. But that is a small number of the whole that become alcoholics.

  3. Man, thanks for turning us on to bumwine.com ! I especially liked the reviews for "Night Train Express" and "Cisco." I also liked how the creator of "Jeppson's Malört" defended and even exhorted the taste of his rancid drink.

    Am I screwed up for wanting to try a couple these wines? Sadly, the answer is probably yes.

    This past weekend, I got together with some buddies who like drinking, at least to a moderate extent, maybe more. Three of them are proud of their own home bars (and rightly so.) However, none of them have yet responded to my polite email message with a link to bumwine.com . I don't get it!
