Saturday, October 05, 2019

Breaking News: 4 Homeless Men Beaten to Death in Chinatown, 1 Critically Wounded (Sat 9:55:19 A.M.)

-----Original Message-----
From: New York City Patch <>
To: add1dda <>
Sent: Sat, Oct 5, 2019 9:56 a.m.
Subject: ALERT: 4 Homeless Men Beaten To Death In Chinatown, Reports Say (Sat 9:55:19 A.M.)

Four men were killed and one critically injured early Saturday morning in Chinatown, according to the NYPD. | The best of New York City Patch right to your inbox.

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  1. Chinese martial artist wanting to do the martial arts training stuff for real? This choke hold works well in training, let us see how well it works in real life?

  2. Wolfen. A movie from over forty years ago. Derelict persons in NYC set upon and killed by a pack of wolves. The unfit members of our species being selected for Darwinian selection. You die.

    Update: The New York Post has managed to dig up some more information about the (allegedly) homeless man suspected of murdering four other vagrants (and badly injuring a fifth) during a late night/early morning killing spree.

    The suspect has been identified as 24-year-old Rodriguez “Randy” Santos.

    Santos was arrested last November on an assault charge: He leaped over a desk at a store on West 35th Street in Midtown and grabbed a man by the neck, then bit his chest. The NYP reportedly obtained the information from a "high ranking law enforcement source".

    Before Friday night's attack, Santos had racked up some 14 arrests - four of them in the last year. He's believed to be homeless, though it's unclear how long he's been living on the street.
