Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Ami Horowitz Video: How White Communists Really View Black Voters

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix


  1. Which of those whites--interviewed first-- would want to hang around with ANY of those blacks the guy interviewed afterwards?Me neither.
    What suppresses the black vote is when only whitey runs for President.Obama got those mammoth A.J's off their porches.Oprah or Mobama(Michelle Obama)would do the same.
    So the takeaway is:white college students have a viewpoint of blacks as "not knowing how to work the internet,not able to have access to it."
    They better wise up about blacks in more ways than those two areas.Stupid college liberals--they're "Schultzes"--they "know NOTH-ING."
    First thing is to start reading NSU.Then get going on the process of having a lot of white kids--save America;GROW UP--for yourselves and US.
    We can't wait around too long for that to happen.

  2. White communists a high percentage of them Jews [Red Diaper Doper Babies]. The attitude is as the parent to a small child. "I know what is best for you, just do as I tell you to do."
