Tuesday, September 24, 2019

One in 7 Adults in New Orleans Has a Warrant Out for Arrest

Tue, Sep 24, 2019 9:57 a.m.
"One in 7 Adults in New Orleans Has a Warrant Out for Arrest, New Data Shows"

Haven't they adopted the newest revolution in crime-fighting, out of New York? You just just have an annual amnesty for criminals.


  1. I wonder if that's the same ratio in ALL black neighborhoods and cities.I've always said,the Grand Rapids police could go knocking on doors--house by house--on some of our more negro-esque streets and find half of them,with some very arrestable felons living there.
    Whenever I suggest that locally,I'm told that's a Stalin technique.

  2. Warrants for primarily minor crime. The issuing of a warrant more serious than the original crime itself.
