Sunday, September 22, 2019

Grand Rapids: Continuity in the Black “Community”: One of Last Night's Shootings was a Follow-Up to One of the Previous Night’s Murders

By Grand Rapid Anonymous
Sunday, September 22, 2019 at 10:44:00 A.M. EDT

[Re: “This is Not a Duplicate Post! Two More Shootings Tonight in Grand Rapids, Near One of the Two Murder Scenes from Last Night.”]

One of last night's shootings was at a vigil for a previous night's murder.

(FOX17NEWS) GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The Grand Rapids Police Department worked late through the night as they investigated four shootings and a call for shots fired that happened in less than 24 hours.

GRPD said the first happened on the 1000 block of Ionia Ave SW near Shelby St SW late Saturday night. In that incident, a man was shot in the leg and taken to a nearby hospital where he was expected to survive. Two nearby apartments were also hit by the gunfire but no one else was injured.

According to police, it happened during a vigil for one of the victims from another shooting that occurred on Ionia and Albany St SW early Saturday morning.

As officers were investigating the scene near Shelby, calls came in for another shooting on the 300 block of Highland St SE next to Prospect Ave SE [two blocks away] Investigators confirmed four shots were fired and that one of them had hit a female of unknown age in the foot. She was transported to a hospital where she should make a full recovery.

The department added that another incident of shots fired happened shortly after on Burton St SW and Division Ave S though no one was hit.

No suspect information has been made available in any of the cases. GRPD does not believe any of them are connected though they are still being investigated.

GRA: The GRPD have the GALL to say these shootings are not related. They’re all probably related—to each other. First of all, negro gangbanger Diptherious was shot by a rival gang. His brother, Dysenterious, went out and killed that thug, then cousin Daquarious, Uncle Rufus, and sister Vaginosious were shot at today—two of them hit.

I’m theorizing—there may be only one or two shooters. No one is saying.

What I DO know is we’ve had 14 murders since last November. Twelve black killers suspected (one was a double-homicide) and one white killer around Thanksgiving, 2018. All the murders are unsolved except the white guy, Jared Chance—who lived in the black ghetto—and was turned in by a black and convicted recently (how’s that for civic duty—blacks won’t help police concerning black crime, but they turn whitey in faster than you can say, “watermelon”).

Every murder this year and shooting was by a black—with only one suspect (that I know of) apprehended.

N.S.: The scare quotes in the title around community were because, although black supremacists and their white dhimmis obsessively say the word, as James Q. Wilson argued, you cannot call a social aggregate so dominated by pathology, a “community.”

Note that Wilson said that in an article that was collected in a classic comp book, Thinking about Crime. He sang a much different tune, when he co-wrote a book with the great psychologist Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (1985). In the chapter, “Race and Crime,” Wilson and Herrnstein suggested that the explosion in black crime in the 1960s and ‘70s, might be in response to racism.

That was a ridiculous claim. At the time, the conventional wisdom was that “racism” was at its worst during Jim Crow, and had dramatically abated during the 1960s and 1970s. Thus, “racism” could not possibly have caused the explosion in black crime, unless one meant black racism, which Wilson and Herrnstein certainly did not mean.

The truth—that “racism” suppressed black crime—was radical, and had to be faced.

Of course, nowadays, we live in a Bizarro World, parallel universe, in which white “racism” is worse than ever, the prisons are full of innocent black men, and you have to get the memo on a weekly or even daily basis, in order to know what lies one must currently spout on behalf of colored cut-throats.

Turning back to the pre-Bizarro World, otherwise ruthlessly honest people would say the darnedest things, when co-authoring a book for a big press.

This plague again hit Dick Herrnstein, when he co-authored The Bell Curve with Charles Murray (1994), at the end of Herrnstein’s life.

In the book, Herrnstein and Murray asserted that I.Q. was 40-60% (in other words, roughly 50%) heritable. But Herrnstein had reported in his solo work, I.Q. in the Meritocracy (1968), that I.Q. is 81% heritable. The contradiction was too gigantic to be innocent.

A few years ago, Murray confessed, nay bragged, in a talk he gave at the American Enterprise Institute that I re-posted here, to “fudging” the numbers in The Bell Curve.

Whose idea was it? My hunch is Murray. At that point, Herrnstein was dying of cancer, and would not live to see the book’s launch But still, he signed off on it.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you agree--it's a fairly simple,yet accurate correlation--speaking in terms of crime stats for a city like Grand Rapids(but I"m sure applies anywhere)--the crime rate has soared in direct proportion to the increase of the black and Mex population the last five years or so, especially.
    Many whites have left Grand Rapids for other nearby cities like Coopersville,Sparta,Hudsonville--country cities with no blacks (so far).
    Local TV scratches its collective heads after a weekend like this one,they might even ask why?To me the answer is easy--blacks have taken over large areas of the city.Everything else that happens(drug OD's,shootings,prostitution etc)is the result of that fact.
