Tuesday, August 27, 2019

"Diversity is Our Strength!" Enraged Customer Hurls Equipment at McDonald’s Employees

By A Colleague
Tue, Aug 27, 2019 7:29 p.m.

Enraged Customer Hurls Equipment at McDonald’s Employees

Remember: "Diversity is our strength!"


1 comment:

  1. jerry pdx
    What is it about racist blacks who hate whites but still choose white romantic partners? Is it some kind of fetish? Like the Williams sisters or Don Lemon it appears that after a couple of failed marriages Rep. Ilhan Omar has developed the same taste for white meat: https://nypost.com/2019/08/27/my-husband-dumped-me-for-rep-ilhan-omar-dc-mom-says-in-divorce-filing/

    From the article:

    Dr. Beth Mynett says her cheating spouse, Tim Mynett, told her in April that he was having an affair with the Somali-born US representative — and that he even made a “shocking declaration of love” for the Minnesota congresswoman before he ditched his wife, alleges the filing, submitted in DC Superior Court on Tuesday.

    I thought this was particularly endemic with the negro male but I seem to be seeing more and more of the sista's sharing the same fixation.

    Remember Omar said we "need to be more fearful of white men"? Well, it appears she hasn't taken her own words to heart. Maybe what she should have said is that "white women should be more fearful of negro husband stealers".

    Here's a picture of Omar's new white arm candy:
