Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The 'Woke' Generation and Looming Tribal Warfare

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From: John Leo, Editor, MindingTheCampus <>
To: Add1dda <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 24, 2019 6:04 pm
Subject: Top Reads of the Week

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The 'Woke' Generation and Looming Tribal Warfare

Today, many people, in the U.S., Canada, and the rest of the West, have rejected liberal democracy in favor of "woke" identity politics and cultural Marxist "social justice." Following the Marxist vision of society as a division of classes, with the oppressed victims struggling against the privileged oppressors, identity politics has expanded the class struggle from proletariat versus capitalist to females versus males, people of color versus people of white, LBGT++ versus heterosexuals, and Muslims versus Christians and Jews. Ex Se, Plurimos: from one, many.
For those who are properly "woke," their supremacist interests lie solely with the interests of their tribe, whether the feminist tribe, the black, Hispanic, or Asian tribes, the LBGT++ tribes, or the Muslim tribe. Those excluded from the tribe–males, whites, straights, non-Muslims–must be suppressed and sidelined, so that "victims" will triumph over "oppressors." These identities supersede the identity of American or Canadian, and citizenship is viewed as an exclusionary privilege to be negated. The "woke" tribes unite to oppose national borders, claiming that borders are the old oppression against people of color and Hispanics.
Read more here. 
Since the Obama-era Dear Colleague letter, there have been almost 500 lawsuits filed at the state or federal level by accused students. One of the most unfair—in the combination of procedures and outcome—occurred at Purdue University. A lawsuit filed in January 2017 was revived last month by an important opinion issued by the Seventh Circuit. Given its significance, the case is worth a full review.
The Incident
In the fall 2015 semester, a male student that court papers identified as John Doe entered into a sexual relationship with a female student at Purdue University. Doe was attending Purdue on an ROTC scholarship and planned a career in the Navy. The sexual relationship ended in December 2015, when the female student attempted to kill herself, and Doe reported the suicide attempt to Purdue officials.
Read more here.
At this point in time, the word diversity is spoken with such pedestrian calm that people forget that it used to have an edgy import.  Not that many years ago, "diversity" meant the introduction of women and minorities into academic jobs and the academic curriculum—as it does now. But back then, that introduction was cast as exhilarating, adventuresome, innovative, revolutionary, and inspiring.
It was asserted that 'The Dead White Males' on the syllabus were stale and unchanging. Old white males on the faculty were "deadwood" and "dinosaurs." Women and minorities would bring fresh ideas and overlooked human experience to the scene. Moreover, they would charm non-white male students, those historically disadvantaged youths seeing someone like them at the podium and surmising that higher education was, indeed, for them, too.
Read more here.


Another Blow Against Integration

At the University of Nevada, a public school in Las Vegas, integration on campus is not exactly encouraged according to a report in the College Fix. In fact, the University discourages socially mixing different groups by providing separate dorms for identity tribes, all at taxpayer expense: Howell Town for black students, Stonewall Suites for LGBT students, Tonopah housing community for women only, the Health Living floor for those who still like tofu and kale, and the Study Intensive Hall for those who plan on graduating.

Oberlin--Let's Blame the Media!

Oberlin College's student newspaper editorial board blasted national media coverage of the Gibson's Bakery trial, saying that it "misses the mark," and that the ruling is part of an "increasingly authoritarian country," Campus Reform reports.
The Oberlin Review's editorial board published an editorial Wednesday, titled "Media Coverage of Gibson's Verdict Misses the Mark," in which it strongly criticized how national media covered the case resulting in the college being ordered to pay Gibson's Bakery $44 million.

Western Civilization = White Supremacy

New York City school administrators have been taught that pillars of Western Civilization such as objectivity, individualism, and even belief in the written word all are examples of … white supremacy, the New York Post reports. 
A slide presentation obtained by the Post from the workshop "Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change" includes claims that a belief in an "ultimate truth" (objectivity) leads to a dismissal of "alternate viewpoints or emotions" as "bad" (this is straight out of the critical race theory playbook), and that emphasis on the written word overlooks the "ability to relate to others" and leads to "teaching that there is only 'one right way' to do something."
Other "hallmarks" of white supremacy include a "sense of urgency," "quantity over quality," and "perfectionism." Read more at The College Fix

Studying 'Angry White Males'

Other "hallmarks" of white supremacy include a "sense of urgency," "quantity over quality," and "perfectionism." Read more at The College Fix
The University of Kansas has approved a course called "angry white male studies," open to all students willing to take a women's studies course first. The course on white males will explore recent changes in demographics since the 1950s. Republican Congressman Ron Estes took a dim view, arguing that "KU is offering a class that divides the student population and could pose a TitleIX violation by creating a hostile campus movement based on gender."
The course will be taught by Christopher Forth, who focuses on gender, fat-shaming, and masculinity.

Erasing White Men from Politics

Believing that courses on American political thought are too fixated on white males, Professor Chad Shomura of the University of Colorado at Denver has solved the problem by banning discussion of white men in his course on the nation's political thought. This means nothing from Washington, Jefferson, Tocqueville, Rousseau or any of the pre-Obama presidents. Discussion of the Hillary Clinton race for the presidency in 2016 is allowed, but how she managed to lose while apparently "running unopposed" is unclear.

Most Americans Reject Race-based College Admissions

A large majority of Americans—73 percent—say that neither race nor ethnicity should be factors in deciding which students are granted admission to colleges and universities. Only 7 percent think race and ethnicity should be major factors, and 19 percent favor allowing them to be light factors. The survey was conducted by Pew Research Center in January and February of this year.

Every major racial or ethnic grouping rejects admission by race or ethnicity, but the largest such rejection come from white Americans—78 percent, compared with 65 percent Hispanics, 62 percent blacks, and 59 percent Asians, surveying only Asians who speak English.
A total of 67 percent of Americans think high school grades should be the major factor in admission decision, while 47 percent think it should be SATs or ACTs. On most college campuses, administrators and faculty have been widely assumed to be heavily in favor of affirmative action, with students mostly in agreement. This survey shows a large consensus leaning the other way.
See charts here.

Be Careful What You Wish For on Social Programs

Nathan Glazer, the last of a group of famous neocon social scientists, died at the age of 95 on January 19 at his home in Cambridge, Mass. (He resisted the label "neocon.") Glazer consistently warned that vast government plans to improve the lives of the poor often come to grief or create new problems of their own. "The evaluations  of the specifics of the first ten years after the launching of (the War on Poverty) confirm that nothing worked and in particular, nothing in education worked." He concluded that the family was the key institution to positive social change and that rights are inherent in individuals, not groups. The article here by Howard Husock of the Manhattan Institute ran in 2011 when President Obama planned an extension of the War on Poverty.

You, Too, Can Turn in Your Classmate

The campus police of the University of Illinois have issued calls for students to report "acts of intolerance" to the schools Bias Assessment and Response Team. It said, "acts of intolerance create an unsafe and unwelcoming environment for campus community members. Please let us know if you feel unsafe." According to BART, bias is defined as "actions or expressions that are motivated at least in part by prejudice against or hostility toward a person or group because of that person or group's perceived age, disability, status, ethnicity, gender, identity-expression, national origin, race, religion/ spirituality, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, etc." Those reported to BART may be required to participate in mediation or other educational conservations.

More Evidence of Professorial Political Bias

University of North Carolina business professor Michael Jacobs polled 40 Republican students at his school and found that all but two believed they would be penalized for not expressing the professor's politics in a test answer.

The professor claimed that faculty should pledge to respect ideological diversity and that chancellors who are too afraid to promote tolerance for ideological diversity should be fired.

"One of my top MBA students, who I would categorize as moderate, recently told me that she will no longer participate in class discussions that involve social or political issues for fear of being branded by the 'progressive police,'" the professor said. Read the story at Campus Reform.


Another Blow Against Integration

At the University of Nevada, a public school in Las Vegas, integration on campus is not exactly encouraged according to a report in the College Fix. In fact, the University discourages socially mixing different groups by providing separate dorms for identity tribes, all at taxpayer expense: Howell Town for black students, Stonewall Suites for LGBT students, Tonopah housing community for women only, the Health Living floor for those who still like tofu and kale, and the Study Intensive Hall for those who plan on graduating.

Oberlin--Let's Blame the Media!

Oberlin College's student newspaper editorial board blasted national media coverage of the Gibson's Bakery trial, saying that it "misses the mark," and that the ruling is part of an "increasingly authoritarian country," Campus Reform reports.
The Oberlin Review's editorial board published an editorial Wednesday, titled "Media Coverage of Gibson's Verdict Misses the Mark," in which it strongly criticized how national media covered the case resulting in the college being ordered to pay Gibson's Bakery $44 million.

Western Civilization = White Supremacy

New York City school administrators have been taught that pillars of Western Civilization such as objectivity, individualism, and even belief in the written word all are examples of … white supremacy, the New York Post reports. 
A slide presentation obtained by the Post from the workshop "Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change" includes claims that a belief in an "ultimate truth" (objectivity) leads to a dismissal of "alternate viewpoints or emotions" as "bad" (this is straight out of the critical race theory playbook), and that emphasis on the written word overlooks the "ability to relate to others" and leads to "teaching that there is only 'one right way' to do something."
Other "hallmarks" of white supremacy include a "sense of urgency," "quantity over quality," and "perfectionism." Read more at The College Fix

Studying 'Angry White Males'

Other "hallmarks" of white supremacy include a "sense of urgency," "quantity over quality," and "perfectionism." Read more at The College Fix
The University of Kansas has approved a course called "angry white male studies," open to all students willing to take a women's studies course first. The course on white males will explore recent changes in demographics since the 1950s. Republican Congressman Ron Estes took a dim view, arguing that "KU is offering a class that divides the student population and could pose a TitleIX violation by creating a hostile campus movement based on gender."
The course will be taught by Christopher Forth, who focuses on gender, fat-shaming, and masculinity.

Erasing White Men from Politics

Believing that courses on American political thought are too fixated on white males, Professor Chad Shomura of the University of Colorado at Denver has solved the problem by banning discussion of white men in his course on the nation's political thought. This means nothing from Washington, Jefferson, Tocqueville, Rousseau or any of the pre-Obama presidents. Discussion of the Hillary Clinton race for the presidency in 2016 is allowed, but how she managed to lose while apparently "running unopposed" is unclear.

Most Americans Reject Race-based College Admissions

A large majority of Americans—73 percent—say that neither race nor ethnicity should be factors in deciding which students are granted admission to colleges and universities. Only 7 percent think race and ethnicity should be major factors, and 19 percent favor allowing them to be light factors. The survey was conducted by Pew Research Center in January and February of this year.

Every major racial or ethnic grouping rejects admission by race or ethnicity, but the largest such rejection come from white Americans—78 percent, compared with 65 percent Hispanics, 62 percent blacks, and 59 percent Asians, surveying only Asians who speak English.
A total of 67 percent of Americans think high school grades should be the major factor in admission decision, while 47 percent think it should be SATs or ACTs. On most college campuses, administrators and faculty have been widely assumed to be heavily in favor of affirmative action, with students mostly in agreement. This survey shows a large consensus leaning the other way.
See charts here.

Be Careful What You Wish For on Social Programs

Nathan Glazer, the last of a group of famous neocon social scientists, died at the age of 95 on January 19 at his home in Cambridge, Mass. (He resisted the label "neocon.") Glazer consistently warned that vast government plans to improve the lives of the poor often come to grief or create new problems of their own. "The evaluations  of the specifics of the first ten years after the launching of (the War on Poverty) confirm that nothing worked and in particular, nothing in education worked." He concluded that the family was the key institution to positive social change and that rights are inherent in individuals, not groups. The article here by Howard Husock of the Manhattan Institute ran in 2011 when President Obama planned an extension of the War on Poverty.

You, Too, Can Turn in Your Classmate

The campus police of the University of Illinois have issued calls for students to report "acts of intolerance" to the schools Bias Assessment and Response Team. It said, "acts of intolerance create an unsafe and unwelcoming environment for campus community members. Please let us know if you feel unsafe." According to BART, bias is defined as "actions or expressions that are motivated at least in part by prejudice against or hostility toward a person or group because of that person or group's perceived age, disability, status, ethnicity, gender, identity-expression, national origin, race, religion/ spirituality, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, etc." Those reported to BART may be required to participate in mediation or other educational conservations.




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