Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Forget Reading and Math — Racist NYC Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza Wants Focus on Racial Privilege, Activism

By R.C.
Tue, Jul 23, 2019 9:34 p.m.

Forget reading and math — Carranza wants focus on racial privilege, activism

N.S.: Although the Doctor of Education is the most academically pathetic degree, which consists merely of political loyalty oaths, Communist New York City Mayor Bill de Blah Blah waived the requirement for Carranza.

The New York City Board of Ed/Department of Education/Ministry of Truth has been crazy racist for 50 years, with white females in the racist vanguard, making life impossible for white men, but now that the black supremacists and reconquistas whom the white females promoted for generations have turned on their erstwhile benefactors, white females are suddenly suing for racial discrimination.

R.C.: This parasite is a descendant of cannibals.

R.C.: Racial privilege: also known as affirmative action for Mexicans.

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