Sunday, July 28, 2019


A few days ago, I passed the 17,000 mark for posts at this blog. (I have other blogs, as well, but they total a tiny fraction of this one’s abundance.)

There aren’t many standalone blogs with so many items. I’ve been writing online since early 2000, and few writers have plugged away online for as long as I have.

I owe much of my online production to a relatively small but tireless stable of volunteer reader-researchers from around the country—Tennessee, Texas, California, Southern and Northern Michigan, the Pacific Northwest, Illinois and New York.

I thank them all, as I thank my benefactors, who constitute two overlapping groups.

Please hit the Donate tab at the top of this page, and make a generous donation to WEJB/NSU.

I thank you, and your posterity will, too.


Nicholas Stix

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