Saturday, June 29, 2019

"White Lawyer Sues Legal Aid Society for Discrimination"

From a Long-Time Reader
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 7:59 p.m.
"White lawyer sues Legal Aid Society for discrimination" NYPost

Just like the ongoing racist purge of most all long-term, top-level administrators in the NYC DOE, the same seems to be ongoing in other agencies, such as the Legal Aid Society.

Given the deep racist undercurrent that has existed in all these "liberal" organizations for decades - but only now seems to have exploded into the open in such blatant cases of discrimination - at first it's hard to summon any sympathy here.

But I imagine that this (almost certainly Jewish) woman - who spent her whole career trying to do some good - must be devastated by the experience, by the personal betrayal.

The tragedy is that for these "Good Whites," this lesson often comes very, very late.

If "liberals" have no trouble "eating their own," happy to destroy dedicated former colleagues on the basis of nothing but skin color - it doesn't take a genius to realize that there is a profound, widespread "purge" going on in every place of employment where blacks/minorities happen to be in power.

In light of all this, seems that the hottest profession for any young attorney with some smarts would be to specialize in blatant, racist employment discrimination of this type:  a guaranteed "growth field."

N.S.: My experience is that many Legal Aid lawyers are racist towards white clients.


  1. I always imagine Legal Aid lawyers as trying to impress their peers they are "with it". Being very liberal and favoring the poor little old minority set upon by the big bad whitey man.

  2. Wait instead,when all those AAAAs(affirmative action,African Americans),who were hired by stupid white liberals,decide that firing is not enough punishment for whitey.Instead blacks will progress to crimes taken against whites,similar to what the Central Park Five did to Trisha Meili--but on a mass scale.However these "rumors" of savage rape and murder will not make it to MSM newscasts--they'll be too busy extolling the virtues of the new black majority government--but whites will know.Will they ever.
    Would THAT be enough for whites to start a new civil war?Let's hope it doesn't have to go that far.

  3. It's kind of hard for me to feel sorry for her when every time I've tried to get help from Legal Aid, it's totally impossible. I couldn't get a Section 8 housing voucher because I'm white and every black sow who pumps out chillren gets some kind of government assistance in government subsidized housing.

    Maybe now she'll wake up and realize what a scam legal aid is.
