Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Curious Cases of James Alex Fields Jr. and Heather Heyer: At Charlottesville, the Problem was Racism, but Not the Kind You’re Thinking of

My New VDARE Report is up!

Neither Justice Nor Mercy for James Fields—and It's His Lawyers' Fault
By Nicholas Stix

I don’t believe James Alex Fields Jr., 22, got justice from the U.S. court system, and I certainly don’t expect he will get mercy. [Man convicted of killing Heather Heyer in Charlottesville attack asks judge for 'mercy' by Alan Suderman, Associated Press/WJLA, June 22nd 2019] And I further believe that, to a considerable extent, this is the fault of his court-appointed defense attorneys, Denise Lunsford and John Hill.

Fields will be sentenced on Friday, June 28, for the (unconstitutional in my opinion) federal “hate crimes” to which he pleaded guilty, reportedly to avoid the death penalty—on top of his state conviction for the murder of Heather Heyer, etc., for which he already has been sentenced to an incredible Life plus 419 years….

As a Jew and an American, why should I even care about the fate of a neo-Nazi?...

[Read the whole thing at VDARE.]


  1. At worst the man committed 3rd degree murder. Reckless and wanton misconduct resulting in the death of another human.

    The man had been chased by thugs wielding baseball bats trying to kill him. That other crowd of thugs was walking illegally in the street and he plowed into them. He could have kept going but then backed up in yet one effort to "get away".

    If the police had not "stood down" and refused to enforce the laws the events would have never happened. But the cops abdicated their duty.

  2. Having watched many episodes of Forensic Files (which are available on the internet) and wondered at all the vicious murderers who receive light sentence and are now back on the street, giving Fields over 400 years in prison is nothing but political persecution. I think Stix is right that Fields is a Neo-Nazi and as a person in an interracial marriage--these people are no friends of mine. But we are all in danger when political persecution replaces objective justice. It is obvious that Fields was trying to escape and panicked--he was not committing a premeditated murder. This case must be appealed and justice given. The left has no morality. For them the end justifies the means. They will use corrupt prosecutions to steal away our freedom--as well as many other tools to suppress Americans--especially white Americans. The future is dark if Americans don't wake up and fight back. Awareness is the first step.

  3. As Nicholas noted in the VDARE article the two negroes are wearing bow ties. A sign of recognition that the wearer is a member of the Nation of Islam. Black Muslims. Often acting with murderous intent toward whitey.

  4. I agree with 99 % of your report.Fields,it would appear,was being attacked and his sudden reversal of direction,to the logical eye,would appear to be out of panic.There IS one line of questioning I haven't heard answered:What was he doing driving down that particular street in the first place?I don't remember seeing any other vehicles attempting to use that particular road--or hearing whether Fields was the only car attempting that route.Was the road closed or open for traffic?
    That's an important fact,I think.Open,and he had every right to be there.Closed and it would portray his presence as,"threatening",or "looking for trouble".
    Still,with all the politics and anti-white racism involved,his fate was sealed almost immediately after arrest.
    --GR Anonymous
