Saturday, June 29, 2019

Outsourcing = Death; The Software at the Heart of the Boeing 737 MAX Crisis was Caused by Hiring $9/Hour Temps

Sat, Jun 29, 2019 12:09 p.m.

The software at the heart of the Boeing 737 MAX crisis was developed at a time when the company was laying off experienced engineers and replacing them with temporary workers making as little as $9 per hour, according to Bloomberg. In an effort to cut co

Trump should outright ban outsourcing.

Now Boeing and its shareholders are on the hook for tens of billions of dollars plus the billions of lost market value.  Not to mention the families who lost their loved ones in two easily preventable crashes.

All the while because some pinhead at Boeing was penny wise and pound foolish.

And don't forget the role of Nikki Hailey, yet another dimwitted affirmative action parasite attempting to "run" things.

As for Indian "talent," don't get me started on these parasites.

Book smart and that's about it.

Oh yeah, clan behavior and cronyism rank high with them.

1 comment:

  1. As a PC person, you are chained to all things Microsoft.
    When 'diagnostics' of a PC/laptop fail to resolve an issue, you are invited to 'share your question with the 'Microsoft Help Community'.
    No matter the issue, one Indian 'Certified Microsoft Expert' after the other would reply with the same nonsensical 'troubleshooting flowchart' - all of them virtually identical.
    In not one instance was a proper solution ever posted.
    It didn't take long to realize these people had no fucking clue how to solve anything - endless hilarious comments reflected mass frustration with dozens of software flaws - most people simply giving up.
    And these are the 'IT Experts' that you are going to rest your company's reputation on?
