Friday, June 28, 2019

Neo-Nazi James Alex Fields Jr. Gets Life (Again) in Deadly Charlottesville Car Attack

By A Friend
Fri, Jun 28, 2019 3:31 p.m.
Last updated/corrected at 9:05 p.m.

White supremacist gets life in deadly Charlottesville car attack

N.S.: So, in addition to a state prosecution of an innocent man, which returned a verdict of guilty and a sentence of life plus 419 years, they subjected Fields to an unconstitutional hate crime prosecution, and a meaningless second set of guilty verdicts (based on his guilty pleas) and life sentence, while wasting hundreds of thousands of additional taxpayer dollars. But this wasn't about Fields. This was about patriotic white men all over the country. "Take that, and we can do the same thing to you, too!"

See my VDARE report on the case: “Neither Justice Nor Mercy for James Fields—and It’s His Lawyers’ Fault”.

Postscript: I’ve referred to James Alex Fields Jr. as a Neo-Nazi, because he lionizes Hitler. Although I have previously used the phrase, “white supremacist,” it no longer seems appropriate to me. It does not reflect the language used by, or the attitudes of white nationalists or neo-Nazis, but serves merely as a virtue signal by supporters of white genocide to each other. Since I am opposed to white genocide, I do not desire to virtue signal to those who do.


  1. hate crime
    a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds.
    GRA:Why was this a hate crime?Both Fields and Heyer were white.Under what category was this a hate crime?Did Fields premeditatedly seek out and kill Heyer?No.
    Now Ajeyi and Lueck--THAT'S a hate crime.Pre-planned,racially motivated I'm sure.

  2. True enough,a,"white supremacist",is an all encompassing term meted out--by the left--to any white that has gathered the gumption to try and defend his Constitutional right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness--which are being eaten away by the increase in black and Mex population,anti-white violence and political bullhorning.
    Whites who oppose their neighborhoods being invaded by blacks(and the accompanying crime,noise and filth that they bring with them)are lumped into the same group as hardcore KKK members.Whites that have had enough of the coddling of blacks--who don't deserve to be given unlimited chances to show any sign of being civilized and non-racist themselves--are deemed as racist as an Imperial Wizard .
    To be protective of your race--in the era of growing black on white violence and racially motivated politics(see Harris vs Biden last night) that are causing spikes in white suicide and early death--is not racist.It is survival--hopefully of the fittest.
    --GR Anonymous

  3. Even if Fields can hardly have been guilty of 1st degree murder. It was not pre-meditated and malice toward the victim was not expressed. Fields was fleeing for his life and hit the mob with his car as they were walking in the street stalking others to kill.
