Sunday, June 23, 2019

Man Convicted of Killing Heather Heyer in Charlottesville Attack Asks Judge for "Mercy"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
Sat, Jun 22, 2019 9:42 p.m.

PGCE-P: She was morbidly obese and a chain smoker.

N.S.: 4'11," and 330 lbs., to be exact, according to her autopsy.

PGCE-P: So, what killed her? Cardiac arrest?

N.S.: "Blunt force injury to torso."


  1. Guy was being chased by a mob with baseball bats trying to kill him. He had valid reason to leave in a hurry. If the second mob including the deceased hand not been walking in the middle of the street they would not have been hit by the car.

  2. What do the blacks say?"No Justice,No Peace"?
    The judge will say,"No Justice for Whitey--so we can KEEP the peace."
    Otherwise--more Antifa riots,

