Thursday, June 20, 2019

Hennepin County, Minnesota Seeks Illiterate Somali for Position as Chief County Librarian

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix
Via Diversity is Great!
Steve Sailer’s Blog

says: • Website


  1. Most blacks don't read books or go to the library anyhow. What does this all matter if they have a white librarian.

  2. It would only be fair if Michael Rossman,the liberal retard-in-charge,would lose HIS job as well to a minority.
    Why should HE be exempt from his own anti-white hiring practices?The whites,who are implimenting the insane affirmative action hiring standards,must be shown the ramifications of their stupidity--let it come down on them too--as a deterrent to future white liberal idiots,that only see an assinine agenda,instead of reality.
    If you don't hire qualified whites--for ANY JOB--you get nothing but reduced
    quality--which depending on the job(certainly not county librarian),can be dangerous to the general public if the minority hiree wasn't educated/experienced enough for such work(and you know they aren't)
    But that makes too much sense.

