Sunday, June 30, 2019

"Domestic" Terrorists Could Target July 4 Holiday Events, but No Known Plots: Feds

By R.C.
Sun, Jun 30, 2019 11:58 a.m.

"Domestic" Terrorists Could Target July 4 Holiday Events, but No Known Plots: Feds

'Domestic' terrorists could target July 4 holiday events, federal authorities warn

The warning came in a joint intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center, urging law enforcement personnel to remain vigilant for suspicious activity. Such bulletins are routinely distributed in the days before a major national holiday

More brown shirting of Amerikkka.

Say, wasn't the Ku Klux Klan a creation of the Democratic Party?

Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Robert Byrd ...

Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Robert Byrd ...


  1. Byrd was an effective Senator. Was for a time the Pro Temp of the Senate. In the Presidential line of succession.

  2. The endless parade of "Democrat = Klan," which isn't even necessarily true in the narrow sense (David Duke, by then an ex-Klansman, actually switched from Democrat to Republican to run for office because no Democrat in his own Louisiana would get near him), is counterproductive. By accepting the Left's main premise -- white racism is evil and everywhere -- conservatives effectively have agreed to do the Left's dirty work. Robert Byrd, by the way, must have apologized 15,000 time for his Klan association back in his early 20s. How many more times do these contemptible cuckservatives want.

    Meanwhile, blacks are walking all over us, demanding and getting from frightened whites. No sane realist gives a damn about Robert Byrd's youthful days!
