Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Breaking News: President Trump May No Longer Run for Re-Election!

By Nicholas Stix

N.S.: Hey, everybody! Sen. WhatsHerName, the unknown presidential candidate, has just declared that she believes the latest crazy lady false rape accuser of @realDonaldTrump, & who maintains that Trump is therefore "disqualified" from running for re-election. I'm sorry, Mr. President, but Sen. ? has spoken.

1 comment:

  1. Where is Gillenbrand's fake accusation?Is she saving that piece of preposterousness for next November,2020?How about Pocahontas accusing Trump--for an even MORE unlikely rape charge?
    "He told me he wanted to poke Pocahontas,and he wasn't going to take no for an answer,"Liz Warren could say,adjusting her very unsexy outfit for the rabid reporters to photograph.
    FOX showed clips of this current wacky woman,Jean Carroll,on CNN,claiming Trump raped her 25 years ago.Talking to Anderson Pooper was not a good idea.
    She sounded unhinged.Cooper had to take a commercial break to end a bizarre turn in the interview.I think she went on CNN to ASK Trump to rape her--"it's a fantasy to many women," she said to a baffled Cooper.
    Her minute of fame may last even less than a TENTH of sixty seconds--times up!
