Tuesday, May 07, 2019

The Forward Has Unwittingly Argued on Behalf of White Nationalists

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

What would any decent person say about people who disrupted a public exercise in child abuse, or a lecture promoting racism? 'Hip, hip, hurray,' right?

Well, that's not how staff writer Aiden Pink at The Forward responded. He demonized the protesters, because he clearly hates them, and he apparently supports child abuse and racism.

The Forward's full (old) name is The Jewish Daily Forward, but that is misleading. It presents itself as a Jewish media outlet, but it is actually an anti-Semitic, Marxist rag. Its leading lights are the notorious Jewish anti-Semites Editor-in-Chief Jane Eisner and Peter Beinart, who seek to bring about Holocaust II in Israel. Eisner promotes not only evil lefties (if you'll pardon the redundancy), but incredibly stupid Jews.

If I were an anti-Semite and read The Forward on a regular basis, I would have to conclude, with Kevin MacDonald, that the Jews really aren't any smarter than white gentiles, but have succeeded solely through ethnocentric log-rolling.

Previously, at WEJB/NSU:

If The Forward is Trying to Make Jews Look Stupid, Venal, and Dishonest, It's Doing a Bang-Up Job!

The Forward: Henry Kissinger, George Soros, Steven Spielberg, Barbra Streisand and Woody Allen are Chopped Liver!

No Joke: White Nationalists Are Now Using Clowns To Spread Hatred
May 6, 2019 By Aiden Pink

Members of the white nationalist group American Identity Movement hold a protest outside a New Orleans library while dressed as clowns.

Last month, my colleague Ari Feldman received a strange email from an anonymous source. That normally wouldn't be very notable - the Forward gets unsolicited emails all the time, ranging from news tips to complaints to apocalyptic prophecies - except for the unexpected closing line: "Honk honk, motherfucker!"

At first, we thought it was just a creative coulrological insult - more original than the "kapos" we normally get over the transom. But as it turns out, there may be a more sinister motive: White nationalists are trying to appropriate clowns for their own ends.

As Right Wing Watch reported on April 4, users of the online message board 4chan, which is popular among white nationalists, have been trying to popularize a character called "Honkler" - an image of Pepe the Frog, the cartoon mascot of the so-called "alt-right," wearing a clown nose and colorful wig.


Honkler, a new white nationalist meme.

Other online anti-Semites have built upon the Honkler imagery when citing news that confirms their nihilistic worldview. When describing what they see as the illogic of a liberal, non-racist [anti-white] society, they write that they are living in a "clown world," or just write "honk honk" as a shorthand to get that point across.

Prominent far-right online platforms, including the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer and the increasingly-popular white nationalist podcast "Goy Talk," have used these memes in their posts. And many anonymous troll accounts have changed their profile pictures to photos of clowns or their pseudonyms to things like "Honkler Honklersen."

For example, in response to an article about the Florida state legislature passing a law strengthening bans on anti-Semitism in public schools, a user with the avatar of an anime cartoon with a rainbow wig and red nose wrote, "Meanwhile they will let them [Jews] continue to lie to make slavery and the treatment of native americans seem worse to incite hatred against whites. honk honk."

[N.S.: Was he wrong?]

While some users depict themselves as clowns who are "in" on the "joke" of the alleged downfall of white society in a multiracial country, others have targeted their supposed enemies by depicting them as clowns. Goy Talk tweeted an image last month of a stereotypical scheming Jew in clown garb; one of the current top posts on R/The_Donald, the popular pro-Trump Reddit page that is the frequent source of racist and anti-Semitic invective, features an image that appears to be the Prophet Muhammad in a clown wig.

While much of this behavior is confined to the internet, some has extended itself to the physical world as well. On April 22, two members of the American Identity Movement - the white nationalist group formerly known as Identity Evropa - dressed as clowns and entered a New Orleans public library to disrupt a children's story time program being led by local drag queens. "Welcome to clown world, honk honk," their sign said.

[Any decent person should applaud anyone who would disrupt such an exercise in child abuse.]

Later that month, members of the same group stormed a Washington bookstore to protest a lecture about whiteness, chanting "this land is our land."

[Based on Aiden Pink's description, the lecture was an exercise in genocidal racism. Again, the white nationalists were doing God's work, and should be celebrated for it.]

Contact Aiden Pink at pink@forward.com or on Twitter at @aidenpink.

This story "White Nationalists Are Using Clowns To Spread Hatred" was written by Aiden Pink.

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