Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Racist Sucker-Punch Attack on New York City Subway, and Advice for Avoiding the Same

“He sucker-punched me”: Brooklyn man attacked in 'unprovoked' attack on subway"
By A New York Buddy

Wed, May 8, 2019 11:47 a.m.

In light of yet another “unprovoked attack” in the subways, it might be in order to review a few common sense self-defense practices and mindsets.

1. Take out the damn earbuds, put away the phone, and pay attention to everything going on around you - all the time - especially late at night, in a neighborhood (or subway line) you aren't familiar with, or when not many other people are around: someone who intends to do you harm is usually very easy to identify.

Common sense intuition will save your life.

2. Look at everyone within ~ 20 ft of you - repeatedly.

Contrary to silly “common” advice - eye contact is no problem: my philosophy is “you look at me, I look at you.”

NOT staring, but short eye contact: you demonstrate to everyone who catches your eye that you are fully aware of your environment.

3. If the environment seems threatening, just move away from the threat right away - the other end of the car, or another car entirely: don't wait until the threat is literally on top of you.

If the threat follows you as you move away, there is no longer any question of intent, and the worst thing you could possibly do is keep your eyes off the perp, and get caught badly off-guard.

4. Sitting down within sight of the threat - as the victim here did, despite the perp's hostile body language and words - was his biggest mistake: he should have remained standing - maintaining a space buffer at all times.

His taking a seat - and telling this POS “look, I'm sitting down, it's over” - sealed his fate: he was effectively saying, “I am assuming a submissive position, I will not fight back.”

If you are sitting, you can neither throw a punch back or flee - during the seconds it takes for you to get up, is when you will be hit - as this guy was - twice.

5. Anyone deemed hostile - if he gets within 3 [N.S.: actually, 21] feet of you - can stab you to death.

Never allow anyone to close that cap - using whatever means you have to.

There is a strong hint indicated the race of the victim here: “East Flatbush” - along with other formerly very rough border Brooklyn/Queens nabes - has been rapidly gentrifying in the last years, and are often the only affordable locations where new millenial grads are able find apartments in the city.

The racist, violent response of the native denizens is exemplified by this attack.

Note that the thug saw fit to broadcast his status as a “strong drug dealer” - designed to first intimidate, throw off balance, his mark - before physically attacking him.

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