Friday, May 03, 2019

Racist, Black Killer-Cop Mohamed Noor Costs Minneapolis $20 Million Settlement for Murder Victim Justine Ruszczyk's Family

By R.C.
Fri, May 3, 2019 11:19 p.m.

City of Minneapolis agrees to historic $20 million settlement with Justine Ruszczyk's family

"City of Minneapolis agrees to historic $20 million settlement with Justine Ruszczyk's family" - Story | KMSP -

Following days of settlement discussion, the City of Minneapolis agreed to a $20 million settlement in the civil lawsuit with the family of Justine Ruszcyzk Damond.

R.C.: Somalis are expensive parasites.


  1. Expensive--well they do come from a pirate country. But this poor woman lost so many years when she could have enjoyed love and happiness. No amount of money will make up for those lost years. We should never allow savages like Somalis and Muslims into this country.

  2. Somali are just about the most dangerous bunch on the planet. If not THE most dangerous. Very volatile and respond violently for the least reason if for no reason.

  3. It's great to see a shitlib city pay for it's stupidity.
