Saturday, May 25, 2019

"Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!" Self-Help Guru Tony Robbins is Filmed Repeatedly Using the N-Word as He Sings and Dances on Stage during a Seminar in the 1980s

By R.C.
Fri, May 24, 2019 11:38 p.m.

Self-Help Guru Tony Robbins is Filmed Repeatedly Using the N-Word as He Sings and Dances on Stage during a Seminar in the 1980s

R.C.: Aspiring rapper?


  1. The man must now be persecuted for all eternity. Don't even know who he is but persecute him nonetheless.

  2. He was just repeating his mantra--given to him by the Maharishi Yogi--blame the Indian religious leader,for Robbins perceived indiscretion.(How's that for a whopper--similar to what the lawyers tell their black clients to say--to attempt to get out of the various butcherings they commit).
