Thursday, May 02, 2019

It Just Gets Worse: Racist Left and Dissident Right Destroy Journalist’s Life, then the Left Concern Trolls and Pimps Her

By Nicholas Stix

“Meanwhile, parts of the right’s response to Ferguson and the rise of Black Lives Matter became intensely racialized, and outright racist.”

Rosie Gray, Buzzfeed
(How could anyone right-of-center possibly be guilty of “racism,” in relation to Ferguson and Black Lives Matter?)

I feel really bad for Katie McHugh. (We were the barest of acquaintances, but we met a couple of times, and I found her to be a very nice, cute young lady.)

McHugh is the subject of a 10,000-word, Buzzfeed thing, an unusual sort of hit piece, “Get Out While You Can: Once notorious for her racist and bigoted tweets, Katie McHugh saw the dark insides of the white nationalist movement.” It’s a classic “TL; dr.” But I read it through to the bitter end.

I’ve seen this rehabilitation ritual before, with Ian Jobling. Jobling was the brilliant right-hand man to Jared Taylor at American Renaissance for a few years. He broke with Jared in 2006, ostensibly over David Duke’s appearance at that year’s AmRen conference, but I suspect that it was more personal than that.

Jobling believed in civil rights ideology, which caused an impossible tension with his realistic approach to society.

Once Ian had broken with Jared, leftists stalked him online, exposing his attempts to support himself. He wrote a brilliant, serial e-book, The Inverted World, I believe he called it, only to pull it offline, and seek to eliminate his virtual paper trail.

After the racist Left destroyed Jobling, the SPLC gave him the option of recanting his former life, and denouncing his onetime compatriots. And since there is always enough internal bad blood in the wake of such relations, why not?

There’s very little work in journalism that will pay the rent, and most of that is on the pc Left, with some on the pc Right. Pick your hackery. The most talented journalists I know are lucky if they can get work as editors or publicists.

There’s a class war factor to all of this, as well. If you’re not well-to-do, even being talented and pc will rarely help you get hired. But going anywhere near the Alt-Right/Dissident Right/whatever is career suicide.

And people like Rosie Gray and outlets like Buzzfeed—which published the Steele dossier, one of the most notorious hoaxes in the history of journalism, and whose editors have never apologized for that—will make sure that it is. (Note that even after Katie decided to recant, the people who had destroyed her life would only use her to make money off of her, but refused to pay her a thin dime for her work.) Rosie Gray:
“The friend, with whom I’d previously interacted on Twitter, reached out to show me an essay McHugh wrote about her experiences. I showed the piece to my editors at The Atlantic, where I was then a staff writer but soon to leave to work on a book, but we discussed it and agreed that our role was to approach her as a journalistic subject, rather than publish a piece by her.”
So, they turned her into an informer, and used her to destroy other people’s lives. But no 30 pieces of silver for her.

Intermittently, during her thing, Rosie Gray plays concern troll, talking about McHugh’s health problems (she’s got Type 1 diabetes).

Meanwhile, people on the “wrong” side of the journalistic tracks do a lousy job of taking care of their own, especially those who are not well-to-do. (The class issue, as far as I can see, works the same on both sides.) So, when the Devil throws you an apparent lifesaver, what are you going to do?

Except that Gray and Buzzfeed threw Katie no lifesaver at all. So, Katie McHugh has been reduced to trying to make money betraying her old friends, and being exploited for paydays by people who were and remain her mortal enemies.

Perhaps we need to revise Carl Schmitt’s infamous “friend-enemy relationship” (das Freund-Feind-Verhältnis). In certain social milieus, and for certain people, there is only the enemy-enemy relationship.


  1. In a less dishonest world,a person of integrity would start a publication (print or online),that would give real examples of news without bias.CBS' radio hourly news,at the top of each hour,has the laughable and very defensive saying,"CBS radio news,on the hour--REAL news,"that introduces their broadcast.
    That's a lie if you ever watch or listen to them.It's politically slanted--as is NBC--with an emphasis on "blacks as saints,not sinners/criminal thugs" reporting.To my knowledge,CBS is not anti-white yet--as NBC has decided to firmly become.
    A network or newspaper without bias,could appeal to a larger group of viewers/readers--and therefore,theoretically,make more money.The only reason to be afraid of bringing the entire spectrum of news to the public via one entity is dishonesty.
    "REAL NEWS" is only real,if black crime is not omitted by news editors.It's "PHONY NEWS",if you slant your "feel good,people stories" at a 95 % rate toward blacks.I really can't remember more than one or two whites,in the last 3 months,who were spotlighted on NBC as "Inspiring America" awardees.Last night it was Queen
    Imagine having Don Lemon debate Nicholas Stix,where no censorship or political bias is present.Let them speak freely about any subject for a half hour.Now THAT would be a REAL news network.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. The Spanish Inquisition. 95 % of those accused would be let go. Given the chance to recant and having the instruments displayed to them, who could refuse?

  3. Meanwhile,Lesta Holt--never one to miss an opportunity to mix white women and black men on screen--led off the beginning of NNN by talking about the fascinating story(lol) of "whether you should wash raw chicken or not,before cooking it."
    While saying the intro,the stock video shown,on screen,was a family eating chicken--a black guy,white woman and a halfie kid.
    "Propagandist Nightly News" is my alternative name of "Negro Nightly News"--to be sure,white men need not waste their time watching this half hour--focused strictly on pro-black and anti-white stories--not a damn thing on it for us to watch.
    They've even eliminated white men from the family unit.
    And it's intentional.
    --GR Anonymous

  4. jerry pdx
    It's one of those Irish yet again...No, actually it's more identity politics from the progressive paradise of Portland Oregon...Ex con & woman of color with 'tude, O'Nesha Cochran was appointed to run a Bridges to Change, a halfway house for black women transitioning to normal life after incarceration ( there one just for white women?). Not surprisingly, things went south very quickly and Ms. Cochran got the boot:

    Excerpt from the article:

    After that, Cochran said she didn’t feel supported and kept asking when the residents of the Diane Wade House would receive training on ethnic pride and African American cultural history or get visits from a sex trafficking victims advocate and the Black Panthers as she’d requested. Cochran also would point out the lack of African Americans in leadership positions at Bridges to Change, she said.

    “We had no guidance and every time we reached out to them, they would always be defensive,’’ Cochran said. “My voice, my refusal to back down. I think I made them uncomfortable one on one.’’

    I don't see a problem with a sex trafficking victim advocate but what do these women need ethnic pride & African cultural history training for? Or a visit from the Black Panthers? Is that going to help them get a job? Raise their children better? Make better choice in life? Function normally in a city that's 90% white?
    She doesn't realize how the Black Panthers might be a PR problem for an organization that relies on public donations? How stupid is she? She was also posting on Facebook calling black people the "N" word and was told by her supervisors to remove it. Guess since she is black (well, 1/2 black and 1/2 Native American or so she says, a lot of blacks claim Native heritage but are lying), it be OK. Then in the article she is quoted as saying she's never said anything derogatory toward blacks. Self aware she is not.

    Check out her post firing rant on Youtube, note the race card not just being played but waved around like a flag that explains everything. It's all coz she black:

    Speaking of red flags, it's the competence of the people that hired this obvious train wreck in the first place that should really be investigated. But this is Portland and you are always praised for trying to promote "diversity" no matter how badly it blows up in their face.
