Saturday, May 04, 2019

Hey, I Can Play Rooster, Too! (Videos)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

As I learned during many visits to Trinidad, roosters do not just crow to greet the dawn. They crow all bloody night!

Real Rooster Compilation


  1. NBC Tries to Ruin the Kentucky Derby with Negroes.
    (GRA)They came damn close to succeeding too.Tom Hammond used to be the anchor--and you could tell he enjoyed horse racing--but I guess,for whatever reason(age,affirmative action by NBC execs),in 2017,he was replaced by light-skinned negro,Mike Tirico.Tirico likes to think he can broadcast any sport--and there's no doubt he has the smooth,Frank Gifford type delivery--but he can't broadcast horse racing,ice skating,hockey--or a few other ones.He just doesn't know enough.
    So today,I get home and the first thing I see,is an obviously NBC influenced idea--at an event where blacks are never present--show as many as possible.Hire a black,ex-NFL player-- Von Miller--to be an interview guy,dress him up as a pimp and send him on his way,to meet and greet Star Jones--one of the "beautiful people"-as Tirico called her.Also "beautiful" was Steve Harvey and Von Miller himself!!!He also mentioned Tom Brady--as a token beauty.
    Listen NBC,horse racing is not a sport that blacks like.They can't use EBT cards to place bets,so they're not able to play.The jockeys are white or Latin--no blacks--there aren't even many black HORSES for negroes to root for,but NBC wants to force blacks where they don't belong--in my living room,on my TV set.
    --GR Anonymous

  2. I was remiss to include blackie,Laila Ali,who has taken riding her famous dad's name,to a career of no talent broadcasting.NBC hired her for the Derby as well.She belongs on the --for blacks only--"Sister Circle",where she could pose and strut and act like the black know-it-all,she thinks she is.
    Between the on-air NBC blacks and the celebrity blacks they constantly showed(that NBC probably flew in),you would have thought you were watching the newest fad for the black population 8f the US.The actuality was,about 20 blacks-out of 100,000 horse racing fans-were constantly shown,as if they were the majority.
    It was,to put it mildly,a load of horsesh*t.

  3. "I was remiss NOT to include Laila Ali...etc."
    The black proofreader I hired(college graduate,magna cum nihil laude--I found out,meant "WITHOUT great honor),to go over my quickly typed comments,failed the simplest task.I should have known he couldn't do the job when I asked him what college he graduated from and he said,"F.U."
    I assumed that meant Fordham,but upon further review,it meant only "F.U."
    He will be replaced by an Asian girl from a local health spa.
    (This has been a leftover April Fools jest.No blacks would ever be hired by me--if there WAS an actual graduate from Fordham).
