Wednesday, May 29, 2019

"German Caliphate": AfD Branch under Fire over Map Showing West of Germany "Taken over" by Muslims

By R.C.
Wed, May 29, 2019 9:03 p.m.

"German Caliphate": AfD branch under fire over map showing west of Germany "taken over" by Islamists

"'German Caliphate': AfD branch under fire over map showing west of Germany 'taken over' by Islamists" — RT World News

A Berlin area branch of the right-wing anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has faced backlash after posting and then deleting a photoshopped map calling the west and the south of the country a "German Caliphate."


  1. Time to rebuild that wall in Germany--Germans on one side,Muslims on the other.

  2. Figurative rather than literal. They are the head and the German the tail.
