Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cong. Cortez is Now at the Dear Leader Stage—in Her Own Mind (#AOC)

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

Megalomania alert.


  1. unless you are cauliflower. then there is no hope for you, you racist vegetable!

    Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

    Monty Python icon John Cleese has stoked controversy by reiterating his belief that London is no longer an English city due to mass immigration.

    In a tweet to his 5.6 million followers, Cleese said:

    “Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city any more. Since then, virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation So there must be some truth in it.”

    “I note also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU,” he added.

    John Cleese

    Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city any more

    Since then, virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation

    So there must be some truth in it...

    I note also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU.
    Cleese first made similar statements back in 2011 when he opined that London was handed the Olympic Games because of mass immigration.

    “I’m not sure what’s going on in Britain. Or, let me say this – I don’t know what’s going on in London, because London is no longer an English city,” said Cleese.

    The actor said that London was the most cosmopolitan city on earth but that it “doesn’t feel English”.

    “I had a Californian friend come over two months ago, walk down the King’s Road and say, “Where are all the English people?”

    “I mean, I love having different cultures around(GRA:I don't believe THAT one),but when the parent culture kind of dissipates, you’re left thinking, “Well, what’s going on?”‘ said Cleese(It's called,"...and now for something completely Muslim.")

    The Monty Python star’s comments are just a reflection of reality. In London, white British people are a minority and have been for some years.

    Over 41% of London’s population is foreign born. London also has the second highest foreign-born population of any city in the world.
    GRA:Now,if he were to look for a cheese shop,it would most likely be called,"Mohammeds."
    --GR Anonymous

  3. YEP. In a couple of years from a nothing to a player of significance. Beware such persons.

  4. From the Fox Business channel:
    "Coke has a program to hire released prisoners."
    Stuart Varney interviewed the Coca Cola rep who,when asked about hiring felons,gave a disclaimer to,"make sure you know the person you are hiring."
    Over and over again,he repeated that.
    Varney:"Where would you differentiate the hiring at--felonies,murder,rape--would you hire those people?"
    "Uhh uhh,make sure you know the person you are hiring."
    Varney:"Why dId Coke initiate this program?:
    Coke rep:"There's a shortage of trained workers.95% of prisoners--who don't get a job after release--go back to crime."
    GRA:I wonder what percent of felons released--who GET jobs--go back to crime.I'd guess a LOT.In fact,I recall some of the most horrific murders were committed by felons,given the opportunity to work (they usually kill a woman co-worker that turns them down for "a date".)
    Anyways,this is just more corporate liberal garbage--an attempt to force law abiding people to have to mix with career criminals.The liberals want zero prison time for most crimes.Of course,this Coke rep would never live in neighborhoods where these "rehabbed felons" live.
    That fate is reserved for US!!!
    --GR Anonymous

  5. jerry pdx
    The diversity disease has infected India as well:
    OK, in an Asian country of over a billion people in which most are dark complected I guess a beauty pageant filled with fair skinned women who have what looks like classically European features would be a little disconcerting, but what they really need is for the transgender activists to start howling about too many bio females and not enough dudes who "think" they are women. Then they've can truly start enjoying the wonders of Western style political correctness.
